Facebook has blocked a website? The Solution is Here

When you want to share the URL of your website through posts or Messenger, is Facebook blocking it?
You shouldn't skip the opportunity for you (and others) to post your website on their Facebook since it is a vital source of traffic.There are a number of reasons why Facebook might have restricted your website, but there are ways to persuade Facebook to unblock it.In this brief tutorial, we'll go over three topics to assist you in doing that:Why Facebook censors particular websites How to determine whether a website is blocked How to request that Facebook unblock your website
Why does Facebook restrict access to some websites?
On this social media site, many of items are shared. That includes both cat images and references to harmful files that can take control of a person's computer. Facebook will prohibit the sharing of specific website URLs in posts, groups, Messenger, etc. in order to safeguard users from scenarios like the latter.Now, there's a decent probability that if you're reading this post, you're not intentionally intending to do anything bad (if you are, this post definitely isn't for you).Even if you aren't trying to do anything unethical, there are a number of reasons why you could still have fallen into Facebook's trap.
1. A breach of the Community StandardsFirst off, Facebook will prevent your website URL from being shared if you're breaking its Community Standards. Other Facebook users may report an issue with your website by clicking the three dots in the corner of your post in their newsfeed, or occasionally the algorithms will notice it themselves.For instance, if your website contains anything regarding purchasing, selling, or trading, the Community Standards may cause it to be restricted.FirearmsMarijuanaunauthorized drugstobacco and alcoholthreatened specieslive creatureshuman blood Dietary supplementsFacebook will permit some of these topics for legitimate businesses (like a store selling firearms), but it will only allow users over the age of 21 to view them.Additionally, the Community Standards address issues like:the encouragement to violenceHateful remarks Fraud NuditySpamUntrue news, etc.You should read the Community Standards, if you haven't already, to see whether any of them might apply to your site.Facebook algorithms, secondFacebook relies heavily on algorithms to restrict website URLs because there is no way for it to hand evaluate every single post.An anti-spam algorithm, for instance, stops people from spamming Facebook with links to their websites. You could unintentionally set off Facebook's anti-spam algorithm by posting your website URL too frequently in a short period of time. This could result in the URL being blocked.Or perhaps you were simply blocked without your fault. Facebook's algorithms are not flawless, and occasionally you just have bad luck. For instance, it's possible that your website is comparable to another one that was restricted.3. Faulty reportingEvery website is in a fight to get the attention of Facebook users on their pages.Some people have opted to try to eliminate the competition by maliciously reporting URLs rather than competing by providing more intriguing information.If many people use Facebook's reporting feature to report your website, Facebook's support team may decide to block your website.How to determine whether Facebook has actually blocked your website

A website is restricted by Facebook?
The answer is right hereHow to determine whether Facebook has actually blacklisted your website
Use the Facebook Sharing Debugger tool
to see if Facebook has restricted your website.Simply input the URL of your website and press the Debug button. If Facebook has restricted your website, you ought to get the following warning (or something comparable):

Fixing a website that Facebook has prohibited
If Facebook has indeed blocked your website, follow these steps to unblock it so that you and other users can once again share your content on this well-known social network.

1. Verify that you are not transgressing any Community Standards.
Make sure your website doesn't contravene Facebook's Community Standards before taking any further action. They are available, for instance, in the Facebook Business Help Center.You won't be able to unblock your website if it is actually breaking any criteria.Consider how/if any of the Facebook Community Standards might apply to your website after carefully reading them.

2. Ask Facebook to give your website another look.
You can submit your website for reconsideration by contacting Facebook once you're positive it doesn't contravene the Facebook Community Standards.Return to the Facebook Sharing Debugger tool and enter your website link there once more to complete this.

The same message informing you that your website has been restricted should appear.Click the let us know link to request that your website be given another look:You will be directed to a page where you can enter a brief justification for why your website should be unblocked:You can provide an explanation here if your site has never broken any Community Standards.
You can also inform them if your website did break the Community Standards but you've since taken down the objectionable material.Facebook does not specify a timeframe for when they will reply. But you should be prepared for it to take a few weeks to a month (and you might not get a response at all - in that case, you can try resubmitting again).

3. Use live chat for Facebook ads (if available)
One thing about this is generally accurate everywhere:Cash talks.You are essentially shooting your message into the void when you submit your website using the technique described in the preceding section.You don't know if or when Facebook will actually read your message and reply.How then can you receive a quicker response?Ads on Facebook!You might have access to Facebook Ads live chat assistance if you now run or previously ran Facebook Ads. Some customers say they were able to unblock their website utilizing this live chat service.We say "might" because Facebook is upfront about the fact that not all users can access live chat.

Depending on various elements, including whether or not you've run advertisements and your ad budget, you may or may not see the live chat option.If Facebook Ads live chat is available for your account, you should see it listed below the other alternatives on the Facebook for Business help page:If the live chat option is available, you can contact customer service for assistance with your website. Once more, many users have said that live chat results in quicker resolutions.If live chat is not available, you must use the contact form from the previous section.

Open up your website to Facebook unblock
Losing the ability to publish content on Facebook, which is a big source of traffic, may hinder the development of your website.Facebook may block your website for a number of reasons, including:The Community Standards are being broken by you.
Your website was unintentionally identified by Facebook's algorithms.
Your website was reported maliciously by other users.
The Facebook Sharing Debugger tool can be used to determine whether your website is restricted. Once you've resolved any problems with your site, you can also utilize this tool to file a reconsideration request.

You might have access to live chat assistance through Facebook Ads if you've previously used Facebook Ads. Facebook will be willing to cooperate with you to unblock your site if it's possible because they want you to run advertising for your website. It's hit or miss because not all users have this, though.

Once you have resolved the Facebook website blocking issue, be sure to:
To enable visitors to share your material, use a social sharing plugin.
Develop a social media marketing plan.
Share your previous blog entries on Facebook automatically
Do you still need assistance with unblocking a website on Facebook? In the comments, please ask!

Start Unblock your url on facebook